Friday, May 13, 2011

Deep Breath

Today's topic from Gypsy Mama- aka Lisa-Jo's  Five Minute Friday  is Deep Breath. For all the rules, head over to her awesome blog and check it out. Basically, she gives us a topic and we are to write for 5 minutes, no editing, what you-see-is-what-you-get! So, I am going to take a deep breath now and......... GO!

You know what you normally do before you jump in to the deep end of the pool, you know, the part that is over your head? You take a big old deep breath, close your eyes, and....... jump! Hopefully you come up gasping for air and if you have faith in your abilities you stay afloat, and maybe if your really good, you swim!

Today I took a deep breath and jumped into the unknown. I am not a great swimmer, so this was definitely out of my comfort zone. Trusting God that He won't let me sink like a stone, since He has been edging me ever close to the deep end of the pool, and ever closer to the edge. I know He is my life guard and I can trust Him to not let me drown. I just need to keep my eyes on Him as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat, when Peter's eyes left the face of Jesus, that is when he started to sink.

Matthew 14:29-31
“And He said “come”, and when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt”.


  1. "Trusting God that He won't let me sink like a stone, since He has been edging me ever close to the deep end of the pool, and ever closer to the edge. I know He is my life guard and I can trust Him to not let me drown. "

    Love this. :)

  2. Ah yes, jumping with eyes closed and a big gulp of air stored up in the lungs and trusting we'll rise to the surface again - wonderful analogy. Thanks for playing along. And I'm delighted to tell you that you were last week's random winner of the beautiful Victorious Life Charm bracelet from DaySpring. Whoot whoot! Look for my email about the details!

    Happy Friday,

